Being Comfortable in All Social Situations

Practice the Opposite of Typical Behavior
dating 04
Image Source: Iconosquare

One suggestion is for introverts to practice being extroverts and the reverse is helpful for extroverts. If a person finds himself or herself socially isolated, it is time to get out more. On the other hand, if a person is not happy unless they are always surrounded by people they would benefit by practicing being alone and having some downtime from constant social engagement.

It is somewhat easier (although not necessarily less uncomfortable) for extroverts to take a time out and spend time in introspection. This is because all they need to do is to stop temporarily some of the things they are doing. There are also halfway measures for extroverts such as joining a yoga class, which help them to slow down.

Introverts have a slightly more difficult time because to become more extroverted, they have to do something. In extreme cases, the mere idea of going into a social situation creates a form of social anxiety that prevents them from even trying it. The key is to push past this false fear and to consider a new social setting as an adventure.

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