Being Comfortable in All Social Situations

Five Smiles
dating 05
Image Source: Iconosquare

One way for introverts to practice is to make the stakes not quite so high. It helps tremendously if an introverted person practices talking to strangers. There is a way to make a game out of this. It is called the “Five Smiles” game. It works like this. First, as with any sport a person needs to warm up a bit. Go to the mirror and smile at yourself. Force yourself to make a big smile, as big as you can, even if it feels ridiculous.

Congratulations, you already have one point in the five-point game. Now go outside, stay out of a car, and walk around. Go to a place where other people congregate, such as a shopping mall or a grocery store. The object of the game is to make other people smile. It does not matter who they are or even if you say anything. Even looking at a baby and making it smile counts.

What becomes quickly apparent with this game it that smiles are contagious. It is easier to get others to smile, when a person smiles first. It also helps to pay the other person a genuine compliment. The idea is to engage with other people who are complete strangers and give them your smile. Once you practice this game, it is easier to do more of it.

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