How to Make Your Tinder Profile Attract Attention

Tip #2 Goals


Source: Iconosquare

Be clear about your goals. Tinder is known as the “hook-up” application that people use to find encounters for one-night stands or short relationships. Its not necessarily the place to find a soul-mate life partner. However, if the goal is to find love, then state this in the profile prominently. Many women find this refreshing and even though they may not be looking for a relationship, the fact that a man thinks of other things besides sex is a turn on.

It can be hard  to put yourself out there, but the more women you contact the better chance you have of getting a date. Don’t be pushy, creepy, or vulgar. If you contact someone and they don’t respond, move on. There is no point in being rude or aggressive. Women talk, and you could get a reputation in your area if you aren’t a gentlemen. Being your best self will always help you find a good match.

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