Beer Guide: Sour Beers You Need to Try


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Gose- German Sour Ale

Gose is a German sour, and it is one of the only styles of Beer that doesn’t follow “Reinheitsgebot”- a German beer purity law. The only ingredients allowed in German beer were water, barley, and hops (yeast was found naturally in the sediment of another batch and added). The law is no longer in effect, but most Breweries have kept their recipes in accordance. Gose was still allowed to be produced as a regional specialty. It violates rule because coriander and salt are added. It originated in the town of Goslar in the early 16th century. It is cloudy yellow color because it’s made with 50-60% malted wheat. It tastes like salty lemons.

Try: Leipziger Gose, from Germany. 4.5% ABV, lemony and effervescent. Drink it in a tall straight glass. (pictured above)

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