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Darker Sours:
If you are more into dark beers, there are still plenty of sours for you. Try some of these darker ales, that are sour. We recommend putting these beers in goblets or snifters.
Tart of Darkness- The Bruery. The Bruery is in Orange County and they are really innovative with their beers. This concoction is amazing, Tart of Darkness is a sour stout. Yes, a stout beer that is sour! It’s dark, full bodied, and very tart. Not too sour. It’s a little pricey for a bottle, but definitely worth it. Share with a friend with a fire going. 7.0% ABV (pictured above)
Supplication- Russian River Brewing. Another Russian River sour, this beer scores a perfect 100 on Beer Advocate. We’ve had it many times, and yes it’s that good. If you find yourself near Santa Rosa, California, GO TO THE BREWERY! Go and stock up on bottled sours, they will keep in the fridge and get better with age! Supplication is amazing. It’s a brown ale aged with sour cherries and several strands of wild yeast, including the beloved brettanomyces, in a Pinot Noir barrel. This is a sour beer for a red wine lover. 7.0% ABV
Cuvee de Tomme- Lost Abbey. The last beer we’re featuring is the Cuvee de Tomme from the Lost Abbey. Its another brown ale aged with brettanomyces. This one is bourbon barrel aged with sour cherries, raisins, and a lot of malt. It’s a dark brown with a medium body. Drink this one with a steak! 11.0% ABV